Privacy statement Leuveld Nurseries B.V.

Leuveld Nurseries B.V., located at Grensweg 34 7591 NG in Denekamp, is responsible for the processing of personal data in the manner stated in this privacy statement.

Contact Details

Leuveld Nurseries B.V.
Grensweg 34
7591 NG Denekamp

Personal data which we process

Leuveld Nurseries B.V. processes your personal data when you use our services and/or because you have made them available to use. You will find an overview of the personal data which we process below:

  • First name and surname
  • Company Name
  • Address details
  • Phone Number
  • Email address
  • Other personal data which you actively share by creating a profile on this website, in correspondence or over the phone for example.

Special and/or sensitive personal data which we process

Our website and/or service does not intend to collect data about website visitors under the age of 16. Data will only be collected if permission has been received from a parent or guardian. However, we cannot check to see whether a visitor is over the age of 16. We therefore encourage parents to monitor their children’s online activities to help prevent this type of data being collected about children without parental consent. Please contact us at, if you believe that we have collected personal data about a minor without your permission; we will then delete this information.

Why do we collect personal data and why do we process it

Leuveld Nurseries B.V. processes your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Sending our newsletter, exclusive offers and/or catalogue
  • To call or email you if this is necessary within the context of our services
  • Providing you with the option to create an account
  • To supply you with goods and services

How long will we store your personal data?

Leuveld Nurseries B.V. will not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary for the realisation of the goal for which it has been collected. We will implement the following storage periods for the following types of personal data: 5 years, unless you are actively using our services.

Sharing personal data with third parties

Leuveld Nurseries B.V. will only share data with third parties if this is necessary within the context of executing an agreement with you or if necessary for complying with legislation.

Cookies or comparable technologies we use

Leuveld Nurseries B.V. only uses technical and functional cookies. We also use analytical cookies which do not breach your privacy. A cookie is a small text file which is saved to your computer, tablet or smart phone the first time you visit this website. The cookies we use are necessary for the technical functioning of the website and benefit user friendliness. They ensure the website works properly and remember your preferred settings. They also allow us to optimise our website. You can disable cookies by adjusting the settings in your browser so that cookies are no longer stored. Additionally, you can also remove any information which has been saved via the settings in your browser.

Viewing, adjusting or changing data

You have the right to view, adjust or remove your personal data. Furthermore, you also retain the right to withdraw permission for the processing of data or to object to the processing of your personal data by Leuveld Nurseries B.V., and you have the right to data portability. This means that you can submit a request asking us to transfer the personal data we have about you to you, another person or an organisation of your choice as a computer file. You can submit a request to view, correct, remove or transfer your personal data or submit a request to withdraw your consent or to object to the processing of your personal data to Leuveld Nurseries B.V. would also like point out that you have the option to submit a complaint to the national watchdog, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You can do this using the following link:

How we secure personal data?

Leuveld Nurseries B.V. takes the protection of your data seriously and will implement appropriate measures to prevent its abuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted publication and unauthorised editing. Please contact our customer service department or email us at if you believe your data is not being properly protected or if there are signs it is being abused

Company details:

Leuveld Boomkwekerijen B.V.
Grensweg 34
7591 NG Denekamp
T: +31(0)541-820820
F: +31(0)541-350888
KvK Enschede nr. 06072301
Naktuinbouw Registratienummer 20608
BTW nr: NL81.83.41.537B01