Under that motto, we have again implemented a number of improvements and accelerations in our webshop in recent weeks.
Speed is everything! Due to the success of our webshop and its very wide range, our shop had grown a bit out of its virtual size. That caused delays and made ordering slow. But fortunately no more...... our webshop has a new engine and it's nice and fast. So even more ordering fun!
Searching is fun but please make it easy! We have therefore adjusted the search functions. You can now choose directly from Leuveld Boomkwekerijen B.V. the entire range on the left-hand side of the shop, and the function of searching by name, letter or categories works faster and easier than before.
All categories have now been merged. So now you can see all climbing plants or all hedging plants in one click and no longer have to click through to a subgroup. So much more choice and overview in one go.
Insight is provides overview! What did I order last month? What did I pay for my Thuja this spring? What was the last bill again? All questions to which you can now find clear answers in one place.
Under the welcome button you will find important information all at once
Here you will find all orders previously placed At the Leuveld Webshop. Even orders not ordered via the webshop are visible here.
Work orders
Here you will find the orders we are currently packing for you. So you can always quickly check what was ordered again.
All invoices that we have sent you over the past year can be clearly found here. You can also download them for use here.
To favourites list
The favourites function is now even easier to use. One click on the star in the picture of your favourite product and you have added it to your personal favourites list. From this list, you can easily order your favourite products directly. You then know that you will always receive the same product from the same grower. So ordering convenience and reliability in one click!
We from the Leuveld-Team wish you a lot of fun ordering and we will keep you up to date on our range and our weekly offers in the coming months. So we'll be back with you soon with more news.